At 90 Years Old, What Quality of Life Will You Say You Had?

            At my age many of my under-graduate friends and associates are all on different paths of life.  Some of us are well on our way to making our dreams happen while slaving away at some job we are college-educated for while others are silently meandering along, waiting for something to fall into our laps.  Then you have others who have decided to pursue post-graduate studies and still others who are partying, kicking it and working a random job that has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

            If I had to pick, I’d say I fall somewhere between the first and second option.  My current job I did not go to college for, but it is definitely a worthwhile investment into a solid future.  I am however meandering along, on the lookout for something that truly tickles my Yancey fancy and fulfills me 100%.  During all of this I’ve been careful to invest my time and energy into the things that are most important to me.  Lastly, more than anything else, I’ve also forced myself to be honest with myself-you know, quit living in denial!  Lol, if I decide I don’t like something based on a wack rationale, so be it, but just own it or if I chose to like something that isn’t good for me, quit denying it and just admit it! 

            When looking at the four profiles I described above, I think it’s pretty easy to pass judgment and say that the first and third are the best options and the second and fourth are the worst.  One could look at the second and fourth and decide they’re wasting their lives away, not being serious about anything and ultimately being wack attacks.  You would think, what can really come of working a random job, just meandering along and kicking it all the time?  When you’re 90 years old, how quality-filled was your life, really?

            And when I really think about that, would I be so wrong as to say the random, job-working person who’s kicking it all the time had led a more fulfilled life?  Think about it.  The person that got all of the fancy education, has worked that high-profile job, and held down a nice-looking bank account has probably led a life full of angst, intensity and nerve-wracking goals that society has placed on them.  While that person’s life looks great to everyone looking at it from the outside, internally that person had to bear a VERY heavy cross. 

            The person who lived life according to which direction the wind blew probably didn’t stress about too much, got to do much of what they wanted to do and chose not to subscribe to society’s ideals of what is “supposed” to happen to that college degree that many spend 4+ years pursuing.  On the other hand this person that didn’t get serious about life could harbor deep issues stemming from disappointment in not doing more with their life’s potential, not getting more serious about life and not contributing more to their personal legacy left here on earth. 

            I guess, as with all things in life, it’s never good to be an extremist.  Moderation is key in all that we do.  I’m thinking that the best way to live a quality-filled life is to pursue those things that make us happiest while maintaining some sort of secure livelihood.  Work hard, play equally as hard and keep one’s happiness above all else.