Pray For Antoine Folks!

I just visited (yeah, I’m semi-obsessed lol…shut up and quit judging me) and saw where Antoine’s about to get a job.  If you’ve been reading his blog you understand how BADLY he needs to be blessed with this job.  Pray for him to get the position that is the right fit for him (right now it’s looking like a Team Lead or higher!).

I know I shouldn’t, but I worry about him yall.  To see him really having to apply himself like he never has had to before to acheive miniscule things that he previously took for granted makes me proud but I also find myself worrying a bit.  Of course Antoine does not approve of this and told me the other day, “Look at the birds we see everyday and God makes sure they eat everyday and are safe and out of harm’s way.  Are we/am I not more valuable to our Lord than the birds?”  Life man. 

So pray, pray, PRAY!  It is PHENOMENAL that the store has already decided to hire him.  Now we are praying that he get the best position possible that God see’s fit.  To read more about it, visit and visit Letter #9.