The Secret Behind That Tutu I Was Wearing On Instagram…


Over the weekend I wore this tulle skirt to a New York Fashion Week event.


While the outfit felt incredibly obnoxious in the privacy of my own bedroom, once I was out walking the NYC streets, you couldn’t tell me I was anything less than fierce!  Folks’ compliments didn’t help-it seemed like almost every woman I passed was ogling over the exceptional tutu.  As a pranced along throughout the evening, I was nearly convinced I was a princess!  :p

I’m here to let you in on a little secret…  Would you believe me if I told you I made it myself?  Yes, it is a DIY project.  This past spring I sat down and made my tulle tutu.


I spent $20.  Yes, twenty dollars.


Blake Von D posted the tutu tutorial awhile back and after closely following her directions, I had a masterpiece of my own.*


As hard as it is to believe, it really is as simple as stated on her site.  The most difficult part of the entire process for me was deciding which color(s) of tulle I wanted!

Happy tutu-making ladies! XOXO

*While Blake ordered three rolls of black tulle, I thought I would make two tutus, so I ordered three rolls of wine tulle as well.  Unfortunately, when I started adding the black tulle to my elastic band (from an old pair of leggings), my skirt was still extremely sheer.  It was at that point I began adding pieces of wine tulle between the pieces of black.  My two-toned tutu took six rolls of tulle and I couldn’t be any happier with it!

I’m Back

     In 2004 I was introduced to English Composition 111.   As a freshman at Miami University, my instructor, merely a grad student himself, decided that one of our long-term assignments to work on throughout the semester would be a “blog.”  That term fell on ignorant ears-we were all clueless about what that would entail.  He described it as a simple way to stay in touch with friends and family that you may not talk to regularly.  On a blog you could write blurbs on your life, things of interest, post photos and anything else that you fancied. He himself had one that he maintained and said that it proved to be a valuable resource for the folks that cared about what he had going on.  He encouraged us to think beyond the four walls in that residence hall basement (that served as our classroom) for our own individual blogs, to remember that this was an undertaking that could be maintained long after our short semester with him. 

     I had rolled my eyes at his idea.  I chalked up the assignment as simply, “Stuff White People do,” did what I had to do for the class and landed my A.  I already knew nobody close to me would be reading one word of this supposed blog.  My family wasn’t computer saavy-I chalked that up to stuff, “Black People do,” and all my close, college friends were joining the new website, The Facebook.

     Fast forward to now, 2012.  I’m in this new city (8 months on the 10th but hey, who’s counting?), encountering new things daily and ultimately learning more about myself than I could have EVER imagined.  At the root of it all, I so desperately want those close to me, who care about me, to participate in this journey in some way with me.  I don’t have the time or resources to call everyone on the phone or send an email their way so I decided to go technical-old school…I want to bring back the original “blog” concept.

     Moving forward, this blog is going to be a pretty personal, sometimes intimate, look at my life, my opinions, my interests, and whatever else comes across my path.  It’s purpose is simple-those that care now have a resource to check in on Ashley/Yancey/(Asha)Mina/Amy/Fancy lol.

I’m back guys 🙂 I’ve missed you much and love you even more.

NYC: The Biggest, Small City EVER

In a city like NYC, everyone understands the importance of “networking.”  It’s vital to your success to know people.  Unfortunately, “networking” doesn’t come naturally to someone like me.  While I am quite social and love to talk (lol), engaging in lengthy conversations with random people I’ve never met is intimidating to say the least.  I hate doing it.

Thankfully, in this city I have been able to get away with no networking (meaning I’ve yet to show up to an event and “try” to network).  On the flip side, EVERY SINGLE TIME I step out for fun, social gatherings I’ve found myself connecting with people in new, interesting ways.

For example…

Earlier this summer I attended an anniversary party for BklynQueens, a women’s vintage clothing store.  I’d heard about it back in Ohio because Azure’D, my sorority sister, attended high school with Keira, the founder.

While there I bumped into Jessica, my sorority sister who is also my ADP (she was the assistant to the dean of my chapter’s 2006 pledge class)!  Would you believe that Keira and Jessica are best friends?  They are all from Columbus, Ohio!

"You had me at hello!" lol

So yeah, I’m at the anniversary party and this woman comes in with the TALLEST.  HAIR.  EVER.  Like, I’ve never seen anything like it.  She definitely stood out because of her hair’s awesomeness.  There was SO MUCH one had to question it’s authenticity, like “Is that even real?”  She and I chatted for a few and I learned that she’d been natural for five years (if my memory serves me correctly).  We later became facebook friends and I discovered she has her own vintage and natural-hair inspired blog,

It wasn’t until several weeks later I was watching television when I saw her in this KMart commercial…

Wow!  I’m telling you, it’s a small world out here!

Qream by Pharrell

This past Tuesday I opened my email and found this in my inbox…

After QUICKLY responding to the email saying that I would definitely be in attendance, I did a small Google search to see what Pharrell’s new liquor was all about.

“I looked at the market, I looked at the holes out there and it felt  like ‘indulgence’ and ‘women’ were the two things that were being neglected,” he said. “When you pour a glass of Qream, it’s significantly less calories. It’s a thinner consistency, so a woman doesnt feel like she’s gained ten pounds just by thinking about drinking it.”

Pharrell then describes the delectibilty of the stuff.

“It’s definitely in the ice cream world, in the shake world.” –NY Observer

While I highly doubted that Pharrell would actually be in attendance, I figured the event would be worth my time to attend.  I’d get to test Qream, hang out with a friend or two and prayerfully meet some new people.  Boy oh boy, by entering with such low expectations, I had unknowingly set myself up for nothing more than success.

The day of the event my girl Erin met me at work and together we walked five short blocks to the NY Museum where the event was held.  Unfortunately our names couldn’t be found on the list but we were able to finagle our way into the event anyway.  I was immediately met with intense, banging music, a huge crowd of people and bright, flashing lights that seemed to be reflecting off of everything.  While I was concentrating on taking everything in, I noticed in my peripheral a short-statured, smaller man wearing a hat cocked to the side, relatively close to me by the entrance.  I glanced over and boom, I was locking eyes with Pharrell.  Lol.  I smiled.  He smirked back.

I stood there for a second since he was about to take a picture or two.  Afterwards, he was walking towards a group of people (who obviously seemed to know him quite well) near me.  Once he got near he stopped.  I saw it as my chance to make small talk but didn’t want to seem thirsty.  I made a comment about Qream, he elaborated how people were digging it; I mentioned pictures, he said we’d take one in a moment, as soon as he took care of something (I forget what it was).  Lol, “in a moment” never came.  He then spoke to the group he knew near me, then told us he’d be right back before heading to the lobby.  I didn’t wait around too long after that.  So yeah, that was that.  Haha!  Smh.  I bet that’s the last time I show up anywhere without being camera-ready.

Next up were the drinks!  We quickly found our way to the bar that had endless supplies of Strawberry Qream, Peach Qream and Ciroc.  We each tried the Strawberry which I am definitely a fan of.  It is everything that the marketing propaganda says that it is.  It was light, fresh and milk-like in flavor.  I can best describe it as a light, strawberry-flavored milk with a hint of alcohol.  I don’t want to call it crisp and fresh, because it wasn’t.  But it wasn’t thick and heavy either.  I’ll go with light and chill.  Later we tried the Peach.  I have one word for it.  N-O.  I’ll describe it as peach-flavored liquor mixed with milk…yeah, uh uh.   One thing that’s important to note is that Qream is 95% lactose-free, despite the heavy milk influence in the product.

A few things that were seen/overheard throughout the evening that helped contribute to my overall experience were:

I spotted maybe 2 or 3 security persons inside the venue the entire night.  That was crazy to me because of all of the bigger celebrities that were there.  It allowed us regular folks to mix and mingle with the best of them and maintain our composure lol.

I once found myself chest-to-face with Jay Z (his chest, my face) which was incredibly NORMAL in that moment.  I was standing in the lobby talking on the phone and the area was a bit tight.  I had my head downward to hear better and found myself confronted with a bold-green t-shirt.  I looked up to see who was in my way and found myself staring at the Jigga Man himself.

On my way back inside the venue after my brief run-in with Jay (lol) I realized I had accidently slighted Q Tip’s wife since I had cut her off when I squeezed my way inside the room after him.  I didn’t realize it was him until he had turned back to look for his wife.  I’m sorry Mrs 😦

Another time I was out in the lobby talking on the phone (the whole time I was on the phone with my other girl who was trying to get in.  She and I kept playing phone tag), I spied Tyson Beckford entering.  My, what a beautiful man.

The last time I was in the lobby (lol the lobby was JUMPIN yet most people didn’t know about it, hence all my run-ins, heeeeyyyy now!) I spied Meeka from Basketball Wives.  While yes, I thought about asking her who won the fight between her and Tammi, at the last minute I decided against it.  I’m not about the drama.

While inside I was standing near a couch texting (texting the same girl I was on the phone with from earlier lol) and noticed that right next to me a woman in a black lace dress was doing the same.  I smiled to myself at the similarity in our actions.  After looking at her face and exchanging friendly smiles I recognized her as Selita Ebanks.  Unfortunately 2 minutes later her rude friend/manager/whatever-she-was made Erin and I leave our couch because it was “Sealita’s Seat” only to abandon the entire area five minutes later when they learned that VIP was on the opposite side of the room.

Karmin (google them) performed!  Enough said 🙂

Lastly, after the Selita blunder along came Melyssa Ford and a few of her friends who joined Erin and I on the couch.  Small talk, laughs and fans-wanting-pictures-with-Melyssa ensued lol.

Excuse the quality...this is a BB picture of the original photo.

This was a photo opportunity that Erin and I took advantage of.  On the chaise you could strike whatever pose you chose and a photographer snapped your pic.  A color copy would print out as a party favor.  I grabbed a cupcake and tried my best to be original!

Overall, it was a definitely a great night!

I Hate Working At the Amusement Park

I'm not convinced that this is the life for me.

As many are aware, I’ve recently found a new job.  I left my gig at the Insurance Warehouse (on amicable terms of course) and while I was secure in that decision, recently my new job has made me question my actions a bit.

Yes, I work in an amusement park (of sorts).

When I decided to take the job at the amusement park, I accepted under the impression that my experience would be similar to that of a spectator.  Of course I knew that I would have to help out a bit with the cotton candy machines or even stay at the site a bit after the park closed to help clean up game booths and the like, but overall I thought it would be an amazing experience.  I would get to enjoy the benefits of the amusement park while getting paid on the side.

I was wrong.

While I am able to enjoy the benefits of the amusement park AND get paid on the side, I’m learning that I don’t get to enjoy the benefits as I once would have.   Confused?  Let me give you a few examples…

Yes, I can ride the rides for free as many times as I want, but unfortunately I now have to help set the rides up and shut them down.   Building rides is not fun.  As a result it’s soured my impression of them and I no longer want to ride the rides.

Yes, the games are fun, but unfortunately I have to buy the prizes that the spectators can win.  I am realizing that I have to recruit enough people to play the games so that I can make the money back that I have already invested.  So no, I no longer want to play the stupid, basic games and win a cheap, trash toy.

Yes, the spectators are all fun-loving people when I share in their company, but now that I’m on the other side they are rude, overly-demanding and lack common sense.  I wish I could have their innocence and be as carefree about things as they are.

So yeah, that’s why I hate working at the amusement park.

Lastly, this post is dedicated to the homie Dougie Ealy…he understands why.

P.S.  Everywhere I referred to “amusement park,” replace it with “New York City and all that it includes.”

P.P.S.  Yes, this entire post is a huge metaphor.

P.P.S. S.  Yes, I’m spending my summer in NYC.  More details about it may come later.

Introducing Barbara Campbell, a NYC jewelry designer!

            This morning I found an email from the accessories team of Barbara Campbell.  Campbell is a Cuban-American jewelry designer based out of New York City who’s jewelry has been described as “clean and contemporary, architecturally and naturally inspired, and “‘more art than ornamentation.’”  From what I’ve seen thus far, she seems to specialize in a lot of understated, earth-toned, transitional pieces.  You can easily wear her pieces to the workplace aaand to the happy hour/hot spot/boom boom room lol. 

            After browsing her website,, I discovered that she uses only recycled materials, handcrafts her jewelry herself and caters to an urban chic design model that pulls on elements from nature for inspiration.  While her online store isn’t up and running yet, her lookbook has a few pieces that have caught my eye.  As a result, her designs are definitely some that I wouldn’t mind incorporating into my own personal jewelry collection.  If interested in purchasing, all inquiries can be sent to  

Below are just a few of my favorite looks:

It was on Hampton’s beaches while walking along the shoreline that Barbara handcrafted her first piece.  It has now become her signature, the “Lucky Six” necklace.

This “Bella Cross Necklace” is a unique take on a traditional Cross necklace.  I generally am not a fan of Cross necklaces because of that whole “graven images” stipulation in the Bible, but I believe I would feel comfortable wearing this one.  The intention of representation is there without the OBVIOUS imagery.

The “Bella Star Necklace” uses unique thread/wire (can’t really tell what material it is) that picks up light in different ways.  Definitely a statement piece.

The “Black Luna Necklace’s” focus is on that powerful black stone.  I love it for it’s simplicity.

This button necklace struck my fancy because it reminds me of my craft box.  I love arts and crafts so this piece struck a chord within my soul.

A lot of Barbara’s pieces use chain-links which I’m not the biggest fan of- that look is too “hard” for me.  I like these earrings though because the hoop design takes away from the “hardness” of the chains.  An added plus is that because of the chain-links, the hoop isn’t so ordinary 😉

If you know me, you know I’m kind of obsessed with pearls.  I don’t really need to say anything else other than this necklace makes me happy 🙂

In addition to pearls, I love shades of turquoise as well, especially in the summer.  It’s a wonderful pop of color and this necklace nails it perfectly!

The medallions featured on this necklace have the ability to dress up a mundane, boring outfit.  I can picture myself wearing this against a basic white or black tee and skinny jeans.

I love the chunky look of this charm bracelet.  It’s quite a statement piece though so the rest of my outfit would have to be understated.

Followup to Two Weeks Ago…

The smile is sincere, I promise 🙂

            If you read this blog about two weeks ago, I was in a VERY dark place…my heart was broken, I couldn’t pick my head up, I felt helpless and I had temporarily lost sight of Ashley.  To put it shortly, it was a really tough time for me.  Since then all of the feedback, encouragement and talks that so many of my close friends and readers have given me via comments, texts, bbms and emails have done wonders.  All those prayers, thoughts and well wishes did not go in vain.

            At this time I have finally gotten the closure that was lacking back then.  Since then I’ve had a final talk with him on that chapter of our relationship which has helped me immensely when it comes to getting over it and moving along.  As a result of that, and all the support from those around me, I’ve been able to put a genuine smile on my face (no more fake ones) and look forward to a bright future. 

            Regarding my future, I’m still pursuing NYC.  I have to do it.  Summer 2011 is still solid although now Spring 2011 looks even better.  Who knows how it will all work out though.  I have to make sure I take care of home before I can up and leave.  It’s funny because last week I applied to a few Exec Asst positions and received immediate call backs.  I was SHOCKED!  These possible employers were ready for me to interview right then and there.  While I was anticipating a 3-month+ job search, it seems like it will only take a fraction of that. 

            So as I was saying, I have to get my current position covered and in addition to that, I have to secure my bail bond license-it’s up for renewal in March yet I won’t be able to actually use it until April…essentially it’s a complicated process for no reason.  And when I’m honest with myself I don’t feel comfortable being in NYC without that license.  But thanks for reading my random ramblings my loves and have a fabulous day!

Angelica’s Kitchen!

Angelica's Kitchen! A 100% organic and vegan restaurant that my cousin helps manage

          For as long as I can remember I’ve always looked up to my older cousin Mia.  She’s always been beautiful, spunky and walked to the beat of her own drum.  Even though I was so much younger than her (we’re about 7 years apart) she always made me feel like a “big girl.”  Because of this I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Mia-no matter how crazy or ridiculous something may seem to me, if Mia approves it, I will at least try it.

          This past summer our family hosted a HUGE get together/cookout and Mia came all the way to Ohio from NYC to enjoy the festivities.  While here she made salsa, green salsa and guacamole.  It was to die for!  She also made chicken-flavored taco’s with all of the fixings.  The “chicken” was actually seitan.  Seitan is gluten (the material that is found in breads-gluten holds the wheat together so that the bread is one, solid mass) and comes in different flavors and consistencies.  Mia had flavored the seitan in such a way that the texture and taste mimicked that of chicken and I was able to pretend I was eating legitimate meat.  I was so impressed!  Heck, I still am!

          And this is how/why I found myself eating at a 100% vegan/organic restaurant in Manhattan earlier this month.  Mia is a manager at Angelica’s Kitchen, a restaurant that prides itself on serving food that has not been altered by heat or cold, is 100% natural and is not produced or made from animals (this includes dairy).  It all sounds so impossible to me-I love a juicy steak that’s prepared to a medium temperature and relish ice cubes in my water and pop.  All I had to do was reflect back on the previous summer and the amazing ways that Mia was able to manipulate natural food and I had no problem walking into her place of business.

         As soon as I got there Mia shared a table with myself (and Ashley) and she geared us toward the Peach Kanten Parfait, a chocolate sundae and a spelt fig newton.  To drink I enjoyed a glass of lemonade.  The first thing that caught me off guard is the fact that the entire restaurant has NO ice.  None.  If you get a glass of water, you will receive a cool glass of water.  Mia says this is because ice shocks our bodies.  They are regularly at a temperature of 98 degrees and when you drink something that cold, your body is shocked and has to work hard to warm it up.

My peach kanten parfait that was delicious!

         Mia encouraged me to get the Peach Kanten Parfait and Ashley to get the chocolate sundae.  When asked to describe the kanten, Mia informed me kanten is seaweed but it tastes like applesauce.  The parfait is layered with crème, peach-flavored kanten, and this crumbly stuff that tasted like sweet granola.  I fell in love with it!  While I wasn’t able to taste the peach (Ashley was) it definitely tasted like applesauce mixed with white cream with a kick of that granola/crunchy stuff.  Ashley’s sundae was a bit too bitter for me-I tasted a lot of the cocoa and not enough sugary, sweetness.  Lastly, I’m not a fan of fig so…

          Long story short, I definitely enjoyed my little self at Angelica’s Kitchen.  While the food was great, the best part of the experience was seeing Mia and having her there to babysit me every step of the way.  She answered any and all questions I had and was able to guide my food choices based on what I enjoy most within the non-organic side of things lol.  I definitely encourage you all to give it a try if for nothing more than just the experience. And who knows, maybe you’ll become a vegetarian (or vegan) yourself!

To Speak or Not To Speak?

Southern hospitality is one of those things that can be a bit elusive, but should always be well appreciated.  While I don’t consider myself to be a southern belle, I certainly wouldn’t classify myself as “mean.”  When casually walking down the street it isn’t often I’m not wearing a big smile and when I make eye-contact with others I try to offer a head nod accompanied with a weak, “hey/hello.”  After my most recent trip to NYC however I learned that not only is this behavior outside of the norm, it actually opens myself up to be taken advantage of.  No bueno.

A homeless performer on the train

It all started on the train.  As a matter of fact, all of the following instances occurred on the train.  When riding them in NYC you encounter all walks of people-the rich, the poor and everyone between.  It never fails that on these train rides there is some sort of performer/dancer/beggar around who is willing to entertain the people in exchange for a few dollars.  Ashley warned me countless times to just shut up, look away and do my best to ignore people.  Unfortunately I had to learn this lesson the hard way. 

On one particular train ride a homeless man delivered an extensive monologue, afterwards thanking us profusely for our time.  When only one woman donated to his plight in the form of a few pieces of change, he went off on the train.  “Thank you kind lady for your hospitality.  Have a wonderful day!  I mean that!  As for the rest of you all, I hope you all have a f*cked up day!  Matter of fact, have a REALLY f*cked up day!”  At this moment, I took the time to look up at him with my mouth dropped open in shock and I shook my head at him.  After making eye contact with me he exclaimed, “This is all comedy.  If you are too serious that you can’t take a joke, f*ck you too!”

After saying a silent prayer for that man I got off the train and continued with my day and much later that night around 1am I found myself back at the train station with Ashley, on our way to the club.  While we were waiting on the train, out of nowhere two random men approached us aggressively out of nowhere.  I inhaled sharply. “Hey ma, what’s good?  I seen you and knew I had to see what was up.  Where you from?!”  He looked about 19yrs old (although he insisted he was 29), dressed in a gray hoodie with a vest.  He was pretty tall and had the whole “light skinned, pretty boy, I know I’m the hottest thing out right now” attitude going.  Already I wasn’t feeling him.  His boy who was trying to game Ashley looked like 50Cent’s brother and was coming off real aggressive. 

Long story short, I popped off at the mouth, forgetting that I wasn’t dealing Ohio boys.  BIG MISTAKE.  After telling the young guy that he wasn’t for real about anything because he was a “friggin liar” and that instead of following me on the A train he could “head downstairs to the D or wherever else” he’s from (in addition to some other ridiculous things), he let his boy know what they were dealing with.  “Nah man, let’s go.  She out here OD fancy son with those gloves and sh*t.”  His boy ignored him and kept spittin game at Ashley.  “You know I live right above this station.  It’s the new year, we got drinks at the crib.  I’m not sayin I smoke or nothing, but we can take care of that too if you want.  We can just chill for real.  It a be a real good time.” 

Ashley was trying not to laugh as I declared, “Good time?  Sounds like yall tryin to violate somebody for real.  Talkin about smoking and drinkin!”  Dude turned his head back at me too quick.  “Violate!  What the f*ck man!  Who does this chick think she is dog!?”  After getting upset/angry and walking off Ashley told me, “Yancey what did I tell you about talking to random people?  Say as little as possible.  Those dudes were crazy and I don’t have my pepper spray.  Plus there were 3 others with them that were standing over by the train steps.  What if they’d have dragged us off somewhere?”  Oops.  My bad Ash.  Lol.

After waiting just a few more minutes the train finally came and Ashley and I were on our way to the club.  A few stops in, a homeless woman got on.  She had a can of beer tucked into the front pocket of her roll-around red suitcase and was bundled up underneath a big, black, puffy coat.  She had a scarf tied around her head and her hands looked very dark, rough and beat up.  After sitting down she looked Ashley and I up and down and told us we looked nice.  Ashley offered a simple “thank you.”  The homeless lady went on to tell us to be safe that night.  “Thank you so much ma’am.  Now you make sure you are safe tonight too.”  The lady repeated herself, so then I repeated myself, then she began to tell me about how she really felt.  “Thank you so much.  And I’m gonna try to be safe but it’s so hard out here!  I ain’t never gonna go back over there!”  At this point her voice started breaking down and while I saw no tears, I realized she was beginning to cry.  “That man there hit me!  He hit me right there in my eye.  Now my eye swollen.  Never goin back to that house.  Talkin about he want his money.  I don’t have no money!  I don’t have nothing!  Uh uh uh, I ain’t never goin back over there!!!”  My mouth dropped open.  And stayed open.  I was speechless.  And then it was time for Ashley and I to get off the train.  After the train pulled off Ashley said, “What did I tell you Yancey?  See…”

I was so caught off guard by that homeless woman on the train that I kept thinking about her for the rest of my trip.  Whenever I’d want to say a little bit more then “hello,” I’d remember how I’d received much more than a simple salutation from that woman and I’d keep it moving.  I was not going to place myself in another awkward position again because I’d made the “wrong” kind of eye contact (homeless man), said too much (young guys in train station) or cared too much (homeless woman).

This continued until my final day.  As I was walking 4 blocks to retrieve my car I heard a young man, about a block away, walking towards me yelling in my direction.  I had no idea what he was saying because I had zoned him out.  I was on a mission to get back to my car so that I could get my day started.  As we got closer his yelling grew in agitation.  It drew me out of my zone and I heard, “I ain’t tryin to talk to you, dang!”  I looked up and he was just a few paces in front of me. 

“Your glove.  You dropped it.  Look behind you.” 

“Oh!  Thank you so much!  I’m so sorry!” 

“Yeah, whatever man.”

Smh.  I can’t win.

Reflections :)

I ALWAYS make a pitstop at BBQ's! I had the Texas-sized Blue Bull margarita, pulled pork sandwich, baked potato, cold slaw, chilli and cornbread!

              I’m back folks, I’m back.  To say I had a good weekend would be quite the understatement.  NYC treated me amazingly well!  Despite the multiple visits I’ve already made there, this trip still included a few firsts: a night out partying with my cousin Kenny (and Nelly), a Dominican blowout, a trip to Junior’s for their cheesecake and lastly, no new boo! 

            My cousin Kenny and I have come a LONG way from our younger years.  He’s Shelby’s little brother and although he and I are only 5 months apart, we used to have intense beef growing up.  I was that petty, spoiled, annoying tattle-tale and Kenny was that boisterous, energetic boy’s boy.  If you put us together in a room for any amount of time you ALWAYS got disastrous, catastrophic results.  I used to look forward to tattling on him for minor indiscretions so that he’d get spanked.  Yeah, I was (still am) a trip, smh.

            So anyways, Kenny and I have now grown up, graduated from college and now in our young adult years are legitimate homies.  Every major family gathering we always manage to steal a few private moments from the rest of the family to catch each other up on our lives, plans and random things that we may have seen or overheard.  Because he now lives in Brooklyn, despite having to put in work at the office on Sunday, he got himself together and showed me a GREAT time on Saturday night, by way of the Meatpacking District.  My girl Ashley and his girlfriend Nelly (who is now my girl) were there too and the four of us had a great time.  Because of Kenny’s connections, we had access to a nice spot in the club, drinks were flowing, the techno/pop/hip hop was spinning and the crowd was jumping.  Afterwards we entertained a diner that had an in-house DJ in the middle of the restaurant spinning records.  The patrons began a soul-train line when “Empire State of Mind” came on-they literally danced all around the restaurant screaming, “New York!” at the top of their lungs.  It was crazy!  But I also loved every second of it.  I didn’t make it home until 6:30am!

            Another first of this trip was the phenomenon that is the Dominican blowout.  Nelly gets hers done weekly and when she found out I’d never been we made plans to go to the salon Sunday.   As soon as I walked in my jaw dropped.  The salon operated like an assembly line in a factory.  I immediately stood in line to get my hair washed in the back of the salon.  After getting it washed, I stood in another line waiting for a stylist to become available to roll my hair in plastic rollers.  After that I was whisked away to a hooded dryer and left.  Some time later another stylist came by and began checking to see who’s hair was dry-mine was so she escorted me to her station where she proceeded to use a round bristle brush with a blowdryer on high heat to straighten my hair.  After taking a mere 15 minutes this woman had managed to get my hair straighter than a relaxer/flat iron combination have EVER gotten my hair.  Since then, I’ve gotten hot, sweated a tad and even taken a hot shower and my hairline got a bit damp.  My hair is STILL super straight.  I can’t believe it! 

My roots are CRAZY straight 2 days later!

View from the front...I promise I'm not that pale. It's the harsh, office lighting's fault

            Lastly, after hearing so much about Junior’s cheesecake, Ashley and I headed over to Junior’s in downtown Brooklyn to get a taste.  Because I hadn’t eaten all day we ate dinner before dessert.  While the food left a bit to be desired (poor Ashley had to add all kinds of lemon juice and salt to her shrimp scampi to get it seasoned) the cheesecake is absolutely the best I’ve ever had! *Drake voice* It tasted like I was eating an extremely flavorful, sweet and baked piece of cream cheese lol.  Not literally I guess but I definitely could distinguish the taste of cream cheese-I’ve never been able to do that before when it comes to cheesecake (well except for when I make it homemade cuz I do have some lightweight dessert/baking skills :p lol).  Diddy definitely picked the right spot to have Da Band walk to when it came to picking up some cheesecake!

My slice of Junior's strawberry cheesecake

            And my last first on this trip is that I acquired no new NYC boo!  That is literally unbelievable.  I’ve never visited NYC as a single woman and not returned with a few new prospects of dating material.  Despite having a few men approach, there were none I was really feeling so I left empty-handed.  Man, what is this world coming to!?

            Well there you have it folks!  I couldn’t possibly begin to fill you in on everything without writing a novel.  Those were just a few of the highlights (and a lone lowlight) of my most recent trip to the city I love.