My SPECial Is Graduating From Miami University Today!!!

               If you see Tearra Harden anytime in the near future (in Oxford or Columbus, OH), CONGRATULATE her!  After a long road, she has earned her degree and will be accepting it from Miami University (Oxford)!  Woot woot!  If you can attend, the ceremony is today at 3PM in Millett Hall at Miami University, Oxford, OH.

3 thoughts on “My SPECial Is Graduating From Miami University Today!!!

  1. Awwww…. *tear* thanks a ton SPEC! Your support throughout my year in Delta has be nothing less than great! I am pretty sure you made it down for almost everything we put on this year, as well as a few misecallous visits! I am more than proud to call you my Soror, my prophyte, my SPEC, and my friend!! It means alot to have the support of many. Let’s me know that even when things get rough… in the end, the outcome outweighs it ALL. I appreciate you BIG! lots of love!

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